Zoom’s rpm packages are signed with a GPG key. To verify that the rpm file has not been interfered with you can do the following: Download the rpm file and GPG key from here. Import the GPG key and check the fingerprint by executing the following in your terminal (in the folder where you downloaded the rpm file and GPG key): [bash]sudo rpm –import package-signing-key.pub gpg –fingerprint [/bash] Scroll …
Apr 2015

Have your gmail hacked and it’s very likely that you’ll also loose access to your other accounts as well. Your PayPal, Facebook and Twitter could all be reset within minutes locking you out and making reclaiming them an absolute nightmare. To avoid this, I enabled the second factor authentication on my gmail account. Since then I’ve learnt that there is an even a more secure way to stop those up-to-no-good-hackers: The …